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Education - Training


H.K. EDUCATION is thought to help hairdressers raise the quality of their performances, enabling them to offer a range of services to meet the well-being and image-conscious needs of increasingly informed and knowledgeable customers. Our team of highly experienced professionals and lecturers will attempt to address the main aspects of salon work, with analyses and solutions to problems and doubts ranging from purely technical issues relating to the well-being of scalp and hair, to those concerning fashion trends in haircuts and colours, or how to improve the quality of interpersonal relations among the team and with clients, or to increase business. Our training course is aimed at sia both owners and inexperienced employeesin order to favour global knowledge at the professional level. From the acquisition of real working methods, to the possibility of being constantly updated on techniques and fashion proposals, the goal is to optimise the resources within the salon, highlighting competence and professionalism.

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